Wednesday, December 9, 2009


George and the children went to Perth for 3 weeks during the school hols, as usual no leave for me hence unable to go. They spent christmas at Uncle Richard's and had many excursions in Perth and around WA ... picnics, catching up with old friends and children visited the grandfather's resting place for the first time. Not many photos for the whole trip as the camera broke down during the trip.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Kanowit, Sibu, Sarawak

We had an eye opening experience driving down to Miri then Bintulu and finally Sibu to visit the long houses in Kanowit. The journey from Brunei easily took 7 - 8 hrs without stopping. Of course we stopped in every town. We left Brunei at 7am and arrived at 6pm. On arrival in Sibu we checked into Victoria Inn, small but cheap and comfortable. Dinner was next, then practice and walk around til almost mid-night. The kids enjoyed themselves tremendously with the 'ko ko' and 'cheh cheh'.

Second day, we visited Rumah Bethel. There was sharing with the adults, singing with the children, skit, games and craft. Lunch was served on the floor. We visited many more long houses after that. Weather was hot but thats how the locals have been living all their lives. Sibu is famous for Mi Sua and their confectionery shops, Peppercorn and Cocoa.

We visited Sibu Jaya Church at night and was treated to a good meal with them in the church. On the 3rd morning we went to the last long house and headed home to Miri. On arrival in Miri at 8pm we almost could not find a hotel but God provided us with a far better place at the Eastwood Valley & Country Club.

In Sibu I managed to contact a long lost friend from University Years. Through a pharmacist, Jeniffer I was able to get Lilian Lau's contact and get in touch with her.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Agricultural Expo Brunei

First day of leave and brought the children to the Expo. It was towards the last days and not much things have been left but took some nice photos to share with all.

Kota Kinabalu Nov 09

Rush trip to KK for the long weekend on Thursday evening after work, nearly could not make it to the Sindumin post by 10pm. Thank you, all went well and we arrived near midnight. Had a good clean up and slept at 1am +. Then had 2 & 1/2 days there, shopping and dinner. Did not manage to catch a movie but caught up with Hannah from Tawau. Short trip and well utilisation of time. Shall do that again when the next long weekend comes ... he he he ... 31st Dec 2009 and usher into the New Year til 3/1/2010.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Leonard's 8th Birthday Party

Leonard turned 8 on 19 Nov, he had a small party with his school mates. Hans, Ryan, Tim & Kelvin came, also XinLing; Sandra's friend. Strictly no computer but the kids and adults enjoyed themselves interacting and playing with the children. time passed.

Brother's visit

Ming came over for 2 nights on route back from KK to KL. Did not manage to see a lot except makan at Excapade & BigThumb Thanksgiving dinner. Visited the Empire Hotel & Country Club, Mall and the SOAS mosque. And drove past the istana, also went to Jerudong Park.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Year End Programme

This year end programme was held on 14th a little early but it still went successfully. The decorations was beautiful, so was the gifts and preparations plus the performances and choirs. We were busy nevertheless we pray that God has sown the seeds in those who hears and sees.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Nasi Lemak Party

We have been having nasi lemak for the past 2 weeks for Bible study and this is the 3rd round. We are having it on banana leaves and some used hands. Among the dishes to go with it include various spicy dish - beef rendang, sambal bilis, curry prawns, Indian fish curry ... and the usual cucumber, eggs, pickled vegetable and coconut rice.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Poh poh's visit

Poh Poh was here for 2 weeks. Friday night dinner, Daddy cooked steak the children's favourite. We also had a chance to fellowship with Uncle John and Uncle Lai's family.