Friday, January 30, 2009

Chinese New Year in KL

CNY 2nd day had lunch at Uncle Ong and May's house in Damansara. Then we went window shopping at the Curve.

Had the opportunity to watch lion dance in the shopping centre at the Curve.

And some family pictures taken at the Curve.

Shelby and Ee Ee.

Some acting by the children.

Had Dim Sum on Day 3 CNY with family in KL. Uncle Ping belanja.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sandra's 10th birthday

Sandra turned 10 on 23rd January 2009 few days before Chinese New Year. Mummy baked a chocolate cake and we cut the cake on the eve with our bible study group.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

December Holiday to Kota Kinabalu

We drove up to KK on 16 Dec, the journey was long with the jam and we arrived at 4pm. Bought banana fritters for snack and cleaned the house. Retired early after having packet noodles for dinner. Children and adults both enjoyed the Malaysian channels of course. On route we stopped by Limbang and had the delicious kolo mee.
Prior to shopping the next day, we had lunch at home. Then went shopping at One Borneo, biggest shopping mall in Borneo. Kids were very tired when they arrived, they were sleeping at the back of the car. Coinciding with Christmas, there were nice decoration around.
We had barbecue dinner behind the house on the 3rd night after buying all the supplies from Servay nearby. Leonard and daddy also had a chance to fish and guess what, the first person who caught a fish is Leonard.
On 19th, mummy's birthday, we drove to Kudat to the "Tip of Borneo". The journey took 2 & 1/2 to 3 hours and the road is not easy to travel on. We came back quite late and it was dangerous. On the way we stopped by the Bee Farm and some nice beaches. The ultimate attraction is the tip of Borneo and we were at the Left Ear.

We also went to Tg Aru for a walk. The children started digging and found 'lala' cockles. We even went back the next morning before church to continue digging.

Finally on the last night, we had steam boat in the rice cooker for dinner. It was nice and cosy.