Monday, September 21, 2009

Kota Kinabalu

George and the 3 children plus Esther went to KK on the 2nd day of Raya. Traffic and queue was expected not optimal, well it is the holidays and festive seasons. Everyone is travelling! On top, it is the school holidays. So early in the morning, everyone went in an anticipated heart. Webcam of Kuala Lurah showed long queue but it wasnt that bad when they finally got there. They stopped by Limbang for Kolo Mee but it was finishing so they had to share 2 kolomee among 5 people.

The team stopped at Lawas Bible School and surprised Alf. The children enjoyed themselves plucking rambutans, digging for earthworms, holding on to chicks and playing with the kids there. They all had the opportunity to experience rural kampung lifestyle. The first night in KK, they had Bak Kut Teh for dinner at the famous coffee shop in town.

Day trip up to the mountain, Kundasan area, enjoying the cool air and fresh breeze up there. Kids love swinging in the tarzan rope at Perkasa Hotel.

Finally they are home after 2 nights in KK. Kids giving a bit of trouble to daddy, some scared, some headache, some nauseous, vomiting ... but all went well. Thank the Lord for a safe and enjoyable journey.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

VBS 2009

VBS 2009 was organised on the 19th & 20th Sept at the D'Anggerek. Less children this year but they had the same amount of fun, craft, games, singing and learning. Children, especially the young ones, have been very eager and excited about their team and they are very competitive to win. Uncle David Leong & team from SU conducted the VBS once again.

We also had teacher's training, full day on 21st which is an eye-opening and refreshing for teachers.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Just finished shopping at Daiso

We went to Singapore for the weekend without the children. Stayed at Pauline & Steven's home in Seng kang. We had lots of makan and shopping despite the short trip. George had all he desired, Mandarin Chicken Rice at Haggai Dinner, Chilli Crab etc.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shelby's first piano playing in church

Last Sunday (30 Aug) Shelby played for the first time during church service, it was good. She played 'Lord, I lift your name on high', 'Trust and Obey', 'Count Your Blessing', 'Amazing Grace' and 'Power of your Love'. There were some stumble here and there but overall it was ok. Well done Shelby.

Shelby is sitting for her Grade 4 piano exam soon in September. She has complained like most children have gone through, nevertheless we trust that she will not regret it next time.