Saturday, February 5, 2011

3rd Day of school

The kids have been very excited and coming home with various tales to tell. They have all got their friends. Shelby has to be approached, Sandra is neutral while Leonard is more bold. He actually asked the boys whether he could join in the games. A boy quietly whispered 'No' but then later asked Leonard if he is 'brand new'? and accepted him to join. Thought that is brave of Leonard.

2nd day, Leonard was hit by a ball in school and he was so proud as many friends gathered around him asking 'how is he' and whether he is alright. He seems to have playmates in the morning when he is in school.

3rd day - Both Sandra and Leonard are in Red Faction and today they chose Faction captain (from Yr 7) and vice captain (from Yr 6). Sandra voted herself in and has to give a speech to all so that the friends will vote for you. She was shocked and wanted to chicken out. Nevertheless she said something but another girl got chosen, but she still had some votes ... from her little brother, brother's friends and some others. Bravo Sandra as other children had their speeches all prepared way before hand.

Shelby enjoyed her music class and guitar lesson at school.

School runs from 8.45am to 3.05pm.

So they must go to bed early and wake up by 7am. Poor mummy of course have to get up half hour earlier than that to prepare their breakfast, drinks and food for school. They need to pack food for recess 10.30am and food for lunch 12.30pm.

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